There are many forces bodies exert upon each other, not always visible or readily sensible. They cut in both directions as in the truism of a thin line between love and hate. Lines of influence can determine the orbit of satellites just as there are points of attachment without which lives can get unmoored. Some dependencies elicit unconditional love while surveillance systems can keep populations on a leach. Adversity can make the all-mighty feel it is hanging from a thread while the vital link of an embryo in maternal placenta is reproduced with a diver's or astronaut's umbilical cable. The outcome may be unrelated as when a spell is cast on a telepathic wavelength but it is only a random catch that tugs the fishing line. Pleasure or punishment, protection or restraint, ostentatious or subliminal, the modes may be varied and the volition not always mutual yet the common factor is that a body no matter how distinct or withdrawn, reserves such a direct and minimal pathway to another.