D o u b l e C r o s s

Double Cross is a kinetic sculpture that brings into play semaphores of conjunction and severance. It encourages contradictory interpretations based on pertinent combinations as well as erroneous associations. On the Humean conjoining of contiguous yet unrelated impressions or by Kant's a-priori structures meant to define them. It has been noted that the core questions of contemporary philosophy still revolve around these two divergent persuasions. This work is an attempt at a device for a double articulation that brings together the primacy of impressions and the product of a cognitive framework, now complementary, now contradictory, spinning interpretation in a centrifuge of epistemological simultaneity.
Multi-Media Sculpture
Wood; Metal: Glass; Foam; Plaster: Cloth; Paint; Programmed motors and hardware: Programmed LED's, Arduino circuit boards
69" high x 36" wide x 60" deep.
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