A dichotomy is a binary redundancy that can be reduced to a grid.

A tree is a unit in a process of perpetual branching.

Lewis Carol tells us a portmanteau is two meanings packed in one word.

Dichonotree is a portmanteau of both its literal meaning as a coat rack, an article of furniture on which to hang preconceived notions and a living, bifurcating force of growth and novelty.

Alice moves in a dyslexic wonderland; her verbal misprisions are the mimetic mistakes coining new meaning at the root of language. Synesthesia distorts her perception yet her confusion sparks striking associations, in a scrambled logic of inter-conjugating phenomena.

Multimedia Sculpture.

Found and repurposed objects; Wood; Foam; Plaster; Dried moss; Led lights; Paint.

Approx. 86" high x 36" wide x 48" deep.